All rights for Phototherapeutic and Physiotheurapeutic products "Doctor Svet", "Avers Shower", "Avers Light", "Avers-SUN", "AVERS-Freshguard", "AVERS-STREAM" are reserved trademarks for "JSC Avers".
Air and light are necessary conditions for a healthy body and healthy spirit. These have been combined by the ancient Romans in their famous baths’; they arranged bathrooms so that they could receive sunlight. Water, as it is well known, absorbs all specters of the sunlight except for blue and green colours. This property has underlay a "know-how" of modern phototherapeutic devices. Physiotherapeutic devices produced by JSPC "AVERS" take the appropriate place among them.
Within the project "Healthy generation", "AVERS" design team developed various physiotherapeutic and phototherapeutic devices. Based on a blue specter of sunlight, a device for “irradiation of the oropharynx", “Avers-Light” (Patent No 50420 as of 20.01.2006) was created. As well as a physiotherapeutic device "Doctor Light " (Patent No 55293 as of 10.08.2006)was developed and patented . For convenience, it is built into a dummy, however, it is completely made from a soft silicone body . In fact all the phototherapeutic and physiotherapeutic devices created by JSC "AVERS" are used for prevention. For example, LED dummy "Doctor Light " can be given to a child from birth up to the age of 4, to prevent many diseases that usually catch children off guard during the winter season.
The first question a human asks, when he/she falls sick is what disease they have. Thousand years later, science asks the same question. And numerous answers which were given again and again, became only medical speculations. Still none of the theories could solve the problem. However, in the medicine, as opposed to other sciences, these theories gained enormous practical importance. A Historian of Medicine E. Petersen, in one of his works titled, “Principal moments of development of therapy”, mentions that the treatments methods by Scotsman Dr. Brown, took more lives than the French revolution and it was that “system of treatment”, that was officially accepted at the end of the XVIII century almost in every hospital of Europe.
Further observations, investigations and experiments in treating have led the mankind into a dead end since the healers, and subsequently doctors, have finally undertaken a practice of treating illnesses, instead of their prevention.
The history of medicine is not only rich with variable views and theories, but with some teachings of the ancients, however their recognition got lost in struggle against dogmatism and standards. Observations of human nature, its rise and falls, underlay the ancient truth. Thus air and light play a vital role in maintaining good health and stability for mental and spiritual serenity. For example, in ancient Greece physical exercises were a vital part of the social life not only for men but also for women. Along with the collapse of antique culture these remedies were forgotten, even though they were natural and prevented many diseases. It’s obvious that air, water, light, heat, cold and physical movements, have positive physiological effect and it is only those things are able to prevent illnesses. Something that can sustain life is also able to cure condition. Moving around, sports, gymnastics, sunbathing, air and water baths are those means that will always strengthen our vital functions. Sunlight and water will always remain a natural remedy for humans and animals alike. The Romans were the ones who made sunbathing a national tradition. Ancient Egyptians used to take solar baths inside their houses. Ancient carvings from El Amarn depict king Ekhnaton (Amenophys IV 1375-1358 B.C.) and his family sitting in a throne-room under pillars facing solar rays. The ancient Germans have also practised heliotherapy since they placed sick children out to the roofs of their homes exposing them to the sun. After spending long winters in dark and unhealthy shelters they greeted the spring that liberated them from that unhealthy atmosphere and they greeted the rising sun as a divine healer. Since they worshipped the sun they pilgrimaged to the healing localities such Odinsacker and Hlyfiaberg (that means - healing hills).
Combination of water and sunlight was very common in the ancient Rome. Romans, were arranging the bathrooms so that they were receiving the sun rays. The water therefore, as it is well known, absorbs every spectrum of light apart from blue and green. This fact underlies the development of phototherapeutical device in JSC "AVERS". In antique time skin deseases were first to be treated with the use of light. Aurelian recommended treating cough, obesity, arthritis, dropsy, scrofula and rickets with sunlight.
The JSC "AVERS" scientists have developed a Biolamp "AVERS-Sun" (Patent No 54792 as of 27/07/2006). The device that is designed as a small bulb with the standard screw-in base. The bio-lamp works of a standard 220-240 V European 2 pin plugs. It is suitable for therapy, prophylaxis and in cosmetics in both medical centers and for home users. The "AVERS-Sun" bio-lamp uses three spectra of sunlight (blue, green, red). Every one of the single monochromatic emitters has a fixed wavelength. This is one of the must-have things in the house to get the required solar energy we do not get in winter and fall from a handy and economical device "AVERS-Sun".
The device reduces the risk of acute respiratory viral infection and blood thickening. The great values of the gadget are lack of side effects, convenience and efficiency. At present the device is under heavy testing and is going onto pharmacy chains in the near future.
Blue sunlight spectrum also underlies the development of "Device for inner throat irradiation "AVERS-Light"" (Patent No.50420 as of 20/01/20065). The gadget is compact and handy to transport even in a lady's handbag, however, on the other hand, medicine with the same properties, would not fit.
The device is used for prophylaxis and treatment of:
- Laryngitis
- Rinitis
- cough, otalgia
- stomatitis
- toohache
- cold
- parodontose
- allergic reactions
- a flu
At present the product is being tested clinically and is going to be mass produced soon.
Phototherapy had an advantage in treating trophic ulcers and septic wounds since Herodote's contemporaries Antijllus and Porta (beginning of II century A.D.), who practiced natural ways of treating those heavy diseases efficiently. On the same basis "LED head band "AVERS-SKIN" was created (Patent No 55601 as for 27/08/06) for treatment of septic wounds, trophic and peptic ulcers. The different colours of the light spectrum (blue, green, orange and red) have a healing effect on the injured skin areas and ensure treatment of the conditions mention earlier.
Visible Light Spectrum has the following properties:
- BLUE is antiseptic, promotes fighting infections, activates Phagocytosis;
- GREEN effects vegetative nervous system, removes spasms in the muscles and circulatory system;
- ORANGE stimulates blood circulation, skin trophism, regulate neuroendocrine system functionality and normalizes digestion;
- RED activates metabolism, removes congestive effects, regulates cardiac function.
Consequently, without further interference with chemicals and drugs, body can sustain itself and in harmony with nature.
Keeping up to date regarding the project "Healthy generation" AVERS scientists have worked out and patented "Physiotherapeutic device "Doctor Light" (Patent No 55293 as of 10/08/2006) for convenience inserted in a dummy manufactured out of soft silicone. The dummy would not injure a child even if it falls out of his mouth and he happens to roll over it. The product has analogy on the market as of yet. Light emission lasts just 2 minutes instead of previous 3 min, but more efficiently since it comes now with a preprogrammed frequency to activate the hemoglobin in the blood.
The product is used by infants ages 4 and below. Preventive use:
- easing child's condition after injections and appearance of new teeth, followed by catarrhal appearances;
- removing inflammation allergies; Diathesis;
- during a high risk of disease or infection;
- in time of an epidemic breakout (Flue and extreme cases);
- immunity protection
Treatment of:
Hyperemia of the swelling pharynx;
Soar cough and ear ache;
Fungoid infection of the inner mouth;
Lung inflammation (medium);
Toothache and inflammation processes during the period of the appearance of the first teeth;
At present the product is tested clinically by the leading pediatric centers of the Russian Federation. Mass production and factories have been set up to meet the required demand. Prophylactic appliance of Physiotherapeutic device "Doctor Light" protects a child against a number of diseases; especially in cold seasons, from September to May, in our country. Besides the evident economic effect we're concerned about saving children's health if they are treated without medications. In particular, without the use of antibiotics. It would be really nice if every child could get "Doctor Light" as a gift from the country he is born in, so that parents from distant regions would not have to worry about contacting a pediatrician who lives many miles away, just to ask about a cold… Sooner or later the human will return to the natural methods of prevention and treatment with no use of chemicals. The surgical intervention will be necessary only in the cases that would be considered life threatening. For that we must restore ecological state of the earth, water and air. Fully organic food should become readily available to humans. Then we could demonstrate some "miracles of the chemistry" just as a warning to a “what if …” scenario.
Russia is a great country with a great potential and bright future. Why should we not examine our life from the other point of view? Perhaps, progress of our science would prove the advantages of prophylactic methods over treating with chemicals? Perhaps, health of humans will be treated as" gold fund" of the country while "gold reserves" of the Treasury will be an appropriate reward. Perhaps education of a healthy generation has to become the major task for parents, for kindergarteners, for schools and for the State. Once the objective is reached the rest will settle.
Summing up I would like to inform everyone: in the nearest future JSC "AVERS" will present new products. The only devices of the type based on natural ways of prophylaxis and treatment.
Member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, RF
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor V.I.Gratchev
Good for every day use and treatment of cardio-vascular diseases (Ischemic diseases, arterial deficiency of the lower extremity and diseases causing thickening of the blood) also Orthopedic diseases (Osteochondrosis and Arterial Arthritis of joints).
This devise is intended for complete disinfection of toothbrush bristles after use for hygienic purposes by human beings through simultaneous ultraviolet and blue light spectra effect.
Analogical therapeutic effects of the device to "Doctor Light", AVERS scientists have developed an "LED based device for oral irradiation" (Patent Number 50420 as of 09/08/05), for daily usage and treatment of viral infections for children and adults.
The "AVERS" research and production company has prepared for publication a new Manual for teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists in the field of medicine, biochemistry and biology - "THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN INSUFFICIENCY ON ANIMAL BODY"
During 2020, all efforts of JSC "Avers" will be dedicated primarily towards the testing of the following types of produce: phototherapeutic devices, physiotherapeutic devices, medical, veterinary and home appliance technologies.
Good news for parents of kids below age of 4 : LED dummy "Doctor Light" for prophylaxix and treatment of respiratory viral infections now is available in Farmacy chain "36,6"
Phototherapeutic and physiotherapeutic devices of the generation that JSC “Avers” is developing on the base on a monochromatic emitter that produces no side effects when compared to laser treatment