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JSC «Avers» - «Doctor Light»
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Home / Development prospectus / An optic matrix with a visible light spectrum monochromatic emitters for use in a computer mouse.

An optic matrix with a visible light spectrum monochromatic emitters for use in a computer mouse., physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

An optic matrix with a visible light spectrum monochromatic emitters for use in a computer mouse.

All rights for Phototherapeutic and Physiotheurapeutic products "Doctor Svet", "Avers Shower", "Avers Light", "Avers-SUN", "AVERS-Freshguard", "AVERS-STREAM" are reserved trademarks for "JSC Avers".

This is an additional module for a computer mouse. The optic matrix is equipped with all the 7 colours of the visible light. (Red, green, blue, yellow, green orange and violet) and is built in so that it does not alter the basic design of the mouse. The module is aimed at people spending long hours infront of a computer for a work or leisure purposes. The idea is to lower the tiredness levels and help out the circulatory systems around the body to function properly during long hours in front of the screen.
The emitter is non-invasive and used on contact with bare skin on the palm of the hand.The different colours effect the body by exiting selectively inner and outer nerve receptors and instinctively models the psychoemotive equilibrium. For those who spend a lot of time at work and do not get the correct amount of sunlight intake, the different emitters with different wavelengths will provide a large amount of that required energy through the optic matrix emitters.
Fields of use:
  1. For office use, game stations and Internet caffe, home uses and places where a long use of computer is required.
Products, An optic matrix with a visible light spectrum monochromatic emitters for use in a computer mouse., physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"


Bio-Lamp "Avers-SUN"
For regular uses day to day uses, skin disorders (eczema, dermatomicosis, inflamed dermatosis, cuts, trophic ulcer, scars), anaemia, seasonal depression, Jet-Lag, allergic reactions, liver diseases (cerrosis of the liver, Hepatitis), secondary immunodeficiency, metabolic rate disorders and Paraproteinemia. (patent pending #54792 as of 27/07/2006)

Latest News, An optic matrix with a visible light spectrum monochromatic emitters for use in a computer mouse., physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

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The "AVERS" research and production company has prepared for publication a new Manual for teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists in the field of medicine, biochemistry and biology - "THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN INSUFFICIENCY ON ANIMAL BODY"

During 2020, all efforts of JSC "Avers" will be dedicated primarily towards the testing of the following types of produce: phototherapeutic devices, physiotherapeutic devices, medical, veterinary and home appliance technologies.